Nu Radiance Forte Patient Kit

Nu Radiance Forte - Patient Kit. Tooth Whitener, combination of 14% Calcium Peroxide and 30% Carbamide Peroxide. Rebuilds enamel through significant calcium uptake. The ONLY teeth whitener with calcium peroxide that whitens with the additional benefit of strengthening the enamel by increasing re-mineralization and surface hardness. Patient Kit: 3 - 4ml automix syringes, multiple mixing tips, microfiber bag and the Nu Radiance reusable water bottle.


Nu Radiance Forte - Patient Kit. Tooth Whitener, combination of 14% Calcium Peroxide and 30% Carbamide Peroxide. Rebuilds enamel through significant calcium uptake. The ONLY teeth whitener with calcium peroxide that whitens with the additional benefit of strengthening the enamel by increasing re-mineralization and surface hardness. Patient Kit: 3 - 4ml automix syringes, multiple mixing tips, microfiber bag and the Nu Radiance reusable water bottle.