HC (Universal/Acteon* Style) Tip

Metric/EMS* STYLE: Mini Piezon*, Scalex 880*, Bonart*, SuperSon EIE*, Master 400*, Parkell (Piezo)*, Dent America*

Universal/Acteon* STYLE: Vista P5*, NSK*, ENAC*, Sybron Endo*, Obtura Spartan*, ADEC*, J.Morita*, Dentsply/Tulsa*, Amdent*

HA - Sub-gingival pocket scaling (comes with tip wear marking) 

Thin tip for sub-gingival scaling; simulates natural curvature of a tooth to provide easy access into pockets with minimal patient discomfort. This universal tip is extremely thin to minimize patient sensitivity and create a smoothly scaled surface. 

HC - Designed for deep pocket access. Powerful enough for medium to heavy calculus removal. Use edge of tip to guide motion for smooth results.

  • For sub- and supra-gingival scaling
  • Now comes with tip wear marking

PTU - Simulates natural curvature of a tooth to provide easy into pockets with minimal patient discomfort. This universal tip is extremely thin to minimize patient sensitivity and create a smoothly scaled surface.

  • Thin tip for sub-gingival scaling
  • Now comes with tip wear marking

PTL - Sub-gingival scaling - Left Bend

Used for lower-left and upper-right molars and pre-molars. Also effective for scaling interproximal spaces between molars. 

PTR - Sub-gingival scaling - Right Bend

Used for lower-left and upper-right molars and pre-molars. Also effective for scaling interproximal spaces between molars. 

HFL - Light scaling of difficult areas (Diamond-coated) - Left Bend

Use on furcations and interproximal sides of molars and pre-molars. Proper use requires non-foot pedal actuated placement, followed by activating foot pedal, scaling, releasing foot pedal and removal of tip. Use at low power settings. 

HFR - Light scaling of difficult areas (Diamond-coated) - HFR - RightBend 

Use on furcations and interproximal sides of molars and pre-molars. Proper use requires non-foot pedal actuated placement, followed by activating foot pedal, scaling, releasing foot pedal and removal of tip. Use at low power settings. 


Metric/EMS* STYLE: Mini Piezon*, Scalex 880*, Bonart*, SuperSon EIE*, Master 400*, Parkell (Piezo)*, Dent America*

Universal/Acteon* STYLE: Vista P5*, NSK*, ENAC*, Sybron Endo*, Obtura Spartan*, ADEC*, J.Morita*, Dentsply/Tulsa*, Amdent*

HA - Sub-gingival pocket scaling (comes with tip wear marking) 

Thin tip for sub-gingival scaling; simulates natural curvature of a tooth to provide easy access into pockets with minimal patient discomfort. This universal tip is extremely thin to minimize patient sensitivity and create a smoothly scaled surface. 

HC - Designed for deep pocket access. Powerful enough for medium to heavy calculus removal. Use edge of tip to guide motion for smooth results.

  • For sub- and supra-gingival scaling
  • Now comes with tip wear marking

PTU - Simulates natural curvature of a tooth to provide easy into pockets with minimal patient discomfort. This universal tip is extremely thin to minimize patient sensitivity and create a smoothly scaled surface.

  • Thin tip for sub-gingival scaling
  • Now comes with tip wear marking

PTL - Sub-gingival scaling - Left Bend

Used for lower-left and upper-right molars and pre-molars. Also effective for scaling interproximal spaces between molars. 

PTR - Sub-gingival scaling - Right Bend

Used for lower-left and upper-right molars and pre-molars. Also effective for scaling interproximal spaces between molars. 

HFL - Light scaling of difficult areas (Diamond-coated) - Left Bend

Use on furcations and interproximal sides of molars and pre-molars. Proper use requires non-foot pedal actuated placement, followed by activating foot pedal, scaling, releasing foot pedal and removal of tip. Use at low power settings. 

HFR - Light scaling of difficult areas (Diamond-coated) - HFR - RightBend 

Use on furcations and interproximal sides of molars and pre-molars. Proper use requires non-foot pedal actuated placement, followed by activating foot pedal, scaling, releasing foot pedal and removal of tip. Use at low power settings.